Updated 7/30/2006

Make Comments in our Dreambook

Old News

I've cleaned up the links a bit, drop me a comment using the new form if you find anything else broken. You can also use that to submit new links which you think ought to be here.

I have a guestbook now available for comments and suggestions about ae.wolfbound.com and ae.wolfbound.com/wiki, just scroll down a bit to see it.

HoC Chat Forum Thread

I've made some significant improvements to the item database. Though the data itself has some gaps, there exists now some relatively easy filtering options at the top - try em out.

I've added a link to our reformat of the Weapon List in the Our Research section. Eventually I'll have it so the list can be filtered (and it will then sort faster.) It's slower than the ortable mirror of Khira's, but complete and fancy.

I'm tentatively opening a Wiki here on ae.wolfbound.com for the Ashen Empires community, invite those you respect to contribute. If you have an experimental or curious bent check it out.

Sry in the move to ae.wolfbound.com I messed up a little bit - I think I have the local content in the right place now. Please e-mail me at johorne at wolfbound.com if you think something is missing or seriously out of place.

Welcome to the new ae.wolfbound.com domain, more changes coming shortly rest assured.

Ok, we're back. We will probably be making some new maps which may or may not be public domain. Maps released prior to 1/24/2005 remain in the public domain. (The Zip archive is at the bottom of the page.) If you plan to use our maps please drop us a line - we might even cross link your site if we like your presentation. :)

The underground maps that we've created on this site (Not those attributed to other creators) are hereby placed in the public domain as of 10/14/2004. Some material they contain may be copyrighted by TKO so we don't advise trying to sell them. This is a Zipfile Archive of the Maps and some supporting files (Microsoft Excel.) Do not remotely link to the images on this website. This page will probably be changing or redirected at some point in the near future.

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